Ultimate Titan Sea Reel spooled with nylon

Ultimate Titan Sea Reel spooled with nylon

75 Reviews

The Ultimate Sea Titan is an absolute saltwater workhorse. These spinning reels can be used from shore or from the boat. Great for beach fishing, pier fishing, wreck fishing etc!

The Ultimate Sea Titan has a Casting Spool Design which allows the angler to make extremely long casts, which is a big advantage when fishing from shore! The gear ratio is 4.1:1 and this reel holds 395 meters of 0.40mm line.

The reels have already been spooled with 0,40mm 20lbs Salt Water Yellow Line nylon.


Product reviews 75

Ultimate Titan Sea Reel spooled with nylon

- Gear ratio: 4.1:1
- 2+1 ball bearings
- Line capacity: 0,40mm/395m
- Weight: 622g
- Casting Spool Design
- Balanced Handle
- Power Drag System
- Advanced Line Lay Technology
- Spooled with 0,40mm nylon
- The perfect all-round sea reel!

75 reviews


Great casting from this budget priced reel

+ Holds a fair amount of line

- None yet



Anglers from the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, Austria, United Kingdom, Denmark, Poland, Spain and Italy are now fishing with Ultimate products and the number of countries continues to grow.

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