Ultimate Glass Beads 8mm 10pcs

Ultimate Glass Beads 8mm 10pcs

4 Reviews

These Ultimate Glass Beads are indispensable for making Carolina or Texas rig mountings. The beads are made of glass and provide extra attraction and sound underwater. The Beads have a diameter of 8mm and are packed per 10 pieces.


Product reviews 4

Ultimate Glass Beads

- Neads for Carolina or Texas rig
- 10 pieces per package
- Diameter: 8mm
- Colour: Black
- Material: glass
- Provide extra sound and attraction
- Also protect the knot from the leader to the hook
- Indispensable for Texas and Carolina rig

4 reviews


Anglers from the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, Austria, United Kingdom, Denmark, Poland, Spain and Italy are now fishing with Ultimate products and the number of countries continues to grow.

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