Ultimate T-Screw Stainless Steel Bankstick

Ultimate T-Screw Stainless Steel Bankstick

45 Reviews
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  • 30-50cm
  • 50-90cm
  • 75-120cm

Everyone knows that the most stable way to set up your rods is still the old trusted banksticks. This Ultimate T-Screw Bankstick is made of the best quality stainless steel so it will last a lifetime!
The bankstick is continuously adjustable. You can set the length by loosening the T-screw and extending the bankstick. The bankstick has a very sharp point to be able to place it firmly in the hardest soil.


Product reviews 45

Ultimate T-Screw Stainless Steel Bankstick

- T-Screw Stainless Steel Bankstick
- 3 available sizes
- Stainless steel
- Fully adjustable
- Indestructible
- Sharp point
- Super stable
- This bankstick will last a lifetime!

45 reviews


Mihail L. Serbu


Anglers from the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, Austria, United Kingdom, Denmark, Poland, Spain and Italy are now fishing with Ultimate products and the number of countries continues to grow.

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