Ultimate Carabiner 5pcs

Ultimate Carabiner 5pcs

4 Reviews

These carabiner hooks have a flexible hinge which makes them very easy to use. Ideal for attaching things in a safe way.


Product reviews 4

Ultimate Carabiner

- Carabiner hooks
- 5 pieces per package
- Very strong
- Equipped with flexible hinge
- Very easy to use

4 reviews

Feel more confident with these carabiners on my landing net attachment

Herman van Dijk

very easy for example unhooking pliers

+ very useful

+ good price not expensive


Just a handy set of carabiner hooks, to hang anything from your backpack, belt, shoulder bag etc. To hang and quickly release in a simple operation.

+ Nice and light

+ Strong enough

+ Good price


Anglers from the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, Austria, United Kingdom, Denmark, Poland, Spain and Italy are now fishing with Ultimate products and the number of countries continues to grow.

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