Ultimate Secure-Sink Backlead (56g)

Ultimate Secure-Sink Backlead (56g)

5 Reviews

Ultimate Secure-Sink Backlead are ideal for running your line neatly along the bottom without the risk of the lead coming loose and being left in the water. You simply clip the lead onto the line after casting in and lower it in front of the rod tip using the rope. The line clip allows the line to release when the rod is picked up so you will never lose this top lead. Thanks to the striking color of the rope, you can always see where your backlead is and you can prevent your fish from swimming through it during the drill.


Product reviews 5

Ultimate Secure-Sink Backlead

- Top lead on cord
- Weight: 56g
- Length: 10m
- Unwinds very smoothly
- Equipped with line clip
- Never lose a lead again

5 reviews


Very easy to use and does what it needs to do also would be super if they could make something even heavier

+ Easy to use

+ Falls well off the line when struck

+ Keep line tight on the bottom


This TOP lead is easy to use, holds the main line tight to the bottom and quickly detaches from the main line after 1 short tug on a take. In the process, it is also easy to store without getting tangled.

+ no extra weight during the fight

+ quickly falls off the line after a short tug

+ convenient storage


Anglers from the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, Austria, United Kingdom, Denmark, Poland, Spain and Italy are now fishing with Ultimate products and the number of countries continues to grow.

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